Authorization requests are enhanced by providing e-mail notifications to both the provider or payor, and the requesting businesses when authorization events occur. E-mails are sent in response to the following events:
Once a business has successfully requested authorization from a provider or payor, an e-mail is sent to active administrators for the provider or payor to advise them of the request.
If a business requests authorization but the provider or payor is not registered, active administrators for the business requesting authorization will receive an e-mail advising them the provider is not registered.
When a provider or payor registers and there are already authorization requests that are pending, an e-mail is sent to the administrator for the provider or payor that authorization requests are pending.
When the provider's or payor's administrator has granted/revoked an authorization request, an e-mail is sent to active administrators for the business that requested the authorization to advise them of the provider or payor administrator's actions.
When a business removes its authorization request, active administrators for the provider or payor will receive an e-mail advising them that any authorization the business previously had to work on behalf of the provider or payor has been removed.
Navigating the Authorization Pages