Payee Registration Page

This window allows you to register as an administrator for a payee.

Business Rules

You must have access to a Provider Information Sheet or previous remittance advices to register as a payee.

If you have previously registered as the administrator for a payee, and your registration is active, you will not be allowed to register again as an administrator for the same payee.

If you want to change your relationship with the business, review the instructions in the Change Your Business Relationship topic.

A Payee Business may have no more than 2 active administrators at any one time.

Warning: You are only allowed 5 attempts to register. If you are unsuccessful 5 times, your account will be locked and you will have to contact Network Services to unlock your account.

Review the Business Registration Overview for more information.

You must enter all required fields, and in the correct format. See below for a list of fields and validation rules.

Field Definitions and Validation Rules

Field Name
Validation Rules
Field Type

Payee Number

the number assigned by HFS to your business location

Required. Must match the entry on HFS's Payee Database.

Text Box

Payee Name

the name of the business; the payee name from the Provider Information Sheet

Required. Must match the entry on HFS's Payee Database.

Text Box

Payee Address

the business address; should be the street address of the physical building rather than the mailing address

Required. Address must be at least 3-characters in length. Certain special characters are not allowed.

Text Box

Second Payee Address Line

additional business address information; may be the mailing address of the business

Not Required. If entered, the address must be at least 3-characters in length. Certain special characters are not allowed.

Text Box


the city where the business is located; must be the city where the physical building is located

Required. City must be at least 2 characters in length. Certain special characters are not allowed.

Text Box


the state where the business is located; must be the state where the physical building is located

Required. Select an entry from the dropdown list.

Dropdown Box


the ZIP code of the physical building

Required. Formats

Text Box

Business Phone Number

the main phone number for the business

Required. Formats

Text Box

Business Fax Number

a fax number for the business

Not Required. Formats

Text Box

Your Work E-Mail Address

your work e-mail address, if you have one; or your personal e-mail address

Required. Must be a valid e-mail format.

Text Box

Your Work Phone

your phone number at work if you have a direct line; or a phone number where you can be reached at work

Conditionally Required if work extension is not entered. Formats

Text Box

Your Work Extension

your phone extension number at work, if you have one

Conditionally Required if your work phone is not entered. If entered, must be numeric.

Text Box