The administrator for a provider group may find that he/she has to register both as the provider(s) and as the provider group.
To simplify administration, it is recommended that you have the employees register for the provider group, and the provider group then can request authorization to work on behalf of the provider(s).
Tip: If the provider group is also a payee, you will want to register as a Payee and then have the payee business request provider authorization.
You must register the provider group before the employees can register. To begin,
Register as the provider group in the Other Business or Payee category. Review the Registering as a Provider Group or Registering as a Payee topic for more information on how to register.
Give the Employee Registration Key for the provider group to your employees so they can register as employees of the provider group. If you are not sure where to find the Employee Registration Key for the provider group, review the Obtain an Employee Registration Key topic. Have the employees review the Registering as an Employee tutorial for more information.
In order for the provider group to receive authorization, the providers must be registered. Anyone with access to the Provider Information Sheet may register as the provider(s) in your group. Review the Registering as a Provider tutorial for more information on how to register as a provider.
Next, the provider group must request authorization from the provider(s). Review the Request Provider Authorization for more information on how to request provider authorization. Any active administrator for the provider group may request authorization from as many providers as necessary.
Now the provider administrator must authorize the provider group. Review the Authorize a Business tutorial for more information on how to grant authorization to a business.
Once the provider group has been granted authorization by a provider(s), the application authorization can be delegated to the employees. Review the Authorize an Employee tutorial for more information on that process.
Navigating the Registration Pages