Agency Annual or Revolving Grant Programs

FAQ Index



  1. The Urban and Community Forestry Assistance Grant provides financial assistance to local units of government for the development of local urban and community forestry programs. These activities must help to establish, manage, conserve and preserve the urban and community forests from inner city to associated public lands.

  2. Illinois Forestry Development Council provides a small grants program as funding allows for projects that address forestry-related issues in Illinois defined by the Council's mission and function. Applications are typically due between July 1 and August 1.

  3. Schoolyard Habitat Action Grants (available to schools, nature centers and youth groups)

  4. See a the webpage with other Illinois Department of Natural Resources Grants-in-Aid listed. Here is a description of some of them - Recreational Grants-in-Aid Programs. These include OSLAD/federal LWCF, Boating Access, PARC, and Trails Programs like Bikeway, Snowmobile, Off-Highway Vehicle, and federal recreational trails; Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development grants are for acquisition and/or development of land for public parks and open space. Applications are typically due between May 1 and July 1. Illinois Trails Grant Program: includes the Bicycle Path Program grants for the acquisition and/or development of bicycle paths. Applications are typically due between May 1 and July 1.


Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI)

The Forest Service announces that $3.7 million in new funds are available for tree planting in the Great Lakes basin. This funding will be competitively awarded to the best proposals received through the June 21st deadline at (search on CFDA 10.664).Request for proposals for the next round of Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) grants.

Program Areas Include:

  1. Mitigate Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Impacts: Restore tree canopy lost to infestation by emerald ash borer. Replace ash trees with non-host species in urban EAB quarantine areas to protect and restore biodiversity and water quality in targeted sub-watersheds, and to reduce soil erosion and nutrient runoff (esp. phosphorus).

  2. Reduce Runoff from Degraded Sites through Green Infrastructure: Protect and restore watersheds through improved green infrastructure using trees and other vegetation to reduce stormwater runoff on degraded sites on non-Federal lands.

  3. Enhance Wetland Filtration: Plant native trees and diverse vegetation to restore the structure and function of coastal wetlands and lake-affected riparian areas.

Who May Apply - State agencies, Tribal communities, nonprofit organizations, academic partners, and municipalities

How to Apply - See the FY2016 GLRI RFP Instructions Document (12 pages) for complete instructions.

Submit all applications for this GLRI funding opportunity through Search for Grant Opportunity Number USDA-FS-2016-GLRI. has a full set of instructions on how organizations can apply for opportunities on its Web site.

Use to download the application package, instructions, and forms that are incorporated in the instructions, which allows you to work offline. recommends submitting your application package 24–48 hours before the closing date to give you time to correct any potential technical issues that disrupt your initial application submission.

You must complete several registration steps before you can submit your application. Please review the requirements for submitting an application and take steps early to be ready to submit your application by the June 21 deadline.

Registrations must be current and in place at the time you submit your application, including these:

  • System for Award Management (SAM) registration
  • Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) registration
  • registration by an authorized official representative

There are several changes from last year, including a new category of funding for coastal wetland and lake riparian areas. Other key changes:

  1. Applications must be submitted through, including all federal forms up front.

  2. Applicants are encouraged to reach out to State Foresters, but it is not required.

  3. A new mapping application has been developed to identify specific landscapes as a standard part of the proposal.

  4. Standard outcomes in gallons and acres are required, with formulas provided in the program area. 59 gallons/tree and 100 or 200 trees per acre unless otherwise reported.

Please give the entire RFP a thorough review and ask questions. Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) webinar

For more information, interested applicants can visit the Forest Service website at, or visit The Funding Opportunity Number is: USDA-FS-2016-GLRI

Questions can be emailed to Questions can be emailed to

National Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Grant Program

2017 National Urban and Community Forestry (NUCF) Challenge Grant Program Request for Proposals (RFP)

Pre-proposals are due June 17, 2016 and are to be submitted through For more information go to the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council's Website or (On Select Search Enter [Grant Opportunity No.: USDA-FS-UCF-01-2017] or [CFA number 10.675].

There are two grant categories this year:

  • Grant Category 1 - Developing a National Forestry Funding Assessment and Methodology - Projects in this category should develop a national model and process to capture the net value of our urban forestry/green infrastructure ecological services at any scale, by which local, state, or regional assessments can be aggregated and rolled up at a national level.

  • Grant Category 2 - Understand Urban Forest Ecosystem/Ecological Services - Projects in this category should increase knowledge about or understanding of how urban resources and nature provide critical benefits to communities and improve human well-being. Results should help the public recognize how ecosystems threat (such as climate change and invasive species) may diminish quality of life by reducing or eliminating current services. Research can boost the effectiveness of urban forest planning and management in achieving local policy initiatives (such as tree canopy goals), regulatory requirements (such as federal or state clean water laws), market-based conservation approaches, and environmental literacy.

The purpose of the NUCF Challenge Grant Program is to address national issues. Local and State projects should be directed to one's State Urban Forestry Program Administrator. NUCF Challenge Grant contact is: Nancy Stemple,; 202-309-9873 Also, please contact me or your Forest Service Regional Urban Forestry Program Manager, if you are interested in applying and have any questions. Their contact list can be located at:

Landscape Scale Restoration Grant


The Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Landscape Scale Restoration Competitive Process for the Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry (NA S&PF) is consistent with the FY2016 Landscape Scale Restoration Competitive Process National Guidance (04/27/2015). Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) grants are intended to “shape and influence forest land use on a scale and in a way that optimizes public benefits from trees and forests for both current and future generations.” The competitive approach is intended to demonstrate that Federal funds are being spent on projects that address priorities as described by the State and Private Forestry national themes and identified in each State’s Forest Action Plan. The project scale will be a function of the most appropriate size associated with the issue or landscape of priority importance and may result in single, multistate, or multi-region implementation.

Key Resources
Aim and Scope

Proposed projects should aim to address priority issues and threats, produce measureable results, involve collaboration with partners that results in added value, and maximize S&PF funding by using it to leverage contributions from both Federal and non-Federal entities. Projects should cross boundaries on any combination of land ownerships. S&PF LSR funds must be spent on non-Federal lands as appropriate based on S&PF authorities. Matching funds must meet all the same requirements as Federal funds and be derived entirely from non-Federal sources. Through this competition, State and Private Forestry funds are targeted at the highest priority unmet conservation needs within a State as laid out in each
State’s Forest Action Plan.

2017 Wood Innovations Funding Opportunity

The Forest Service seeks proposals that significantly stimulate or expand wood energy and wood products markets that support the long-term management of National Forest System and other forest lands. This Request for Proposals focuses on these U.S. Forest Service Wood Innovations goals: 1) Reduce hazardous fuels and improve forest health on National Forest System and other forest lands; 2) Reduce the costs of forest management on all land types; and Promote economic and environmental health of communities.

Funding will be awarded and evaluated in two separate categories.

  • Grant Category 1: Expansion of Wood Energy Markets and Wood Energy Projects The intent of this category is to:

    1. Stimulate, expand, or support wood energy markets that depend on forest residues or forest byproducts generated from all land types.

      1. Develop a cluster of wood energy projects in a geographic area or specific sector (e.g., prisons, hospitals, a. Develop a cluster of wood energy projects in a geographic area or specific sector (e.g., prisons, hospitals, universities, manufacturing sector, or industrial sector).

      2. Overcome market barriers and stimulate expansion of wood energy in the commercial sector.

    2. Complete requirements, such as engineering designs, cost analyses, and permitting, necessary in the later stages of wood energy project development to secure financing.

  • Grant Category 2: Expansion of Wood Products Markets The intent of this category is to promote markets that create or expand the demand for non-energy based wood products. Preference will be given to projects that support commercial building markets or other markets that use innovative wood products. Demonstration projects and applied research will be considered. No basic research projects will be considered.

Important Dates:

  • October 19, 2016: Issuance of Request for Proposals
  • January 23, 2017:Proposal submission deadline
  • April 15, 2017: Approximate date for award announcement
  • July 1, 2017: Approximate date of award


The Illinois Department of Transportation provides funding for roadway enhancement. The Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program provides funding for cultural, historic, aesthetic and environmental aspects related to transportation. The request for proposals for this funding, when available, is typically in the fall of the year.

  1. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Illinois Green Infrastructure Grant Program for Stormwater Management. Funding opportunities through this grant typically are announced in early fall. This program provides funding for stormwater retention and infiltration and for small projects.

  2. There are many eligible areas in the Midwest (Map of the areas). Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Section 319 Grants are available to local units of government and other organizations to protect water quality in Illinois. Projects must address water quality issues relating directly to non-point source pollution. Funds can be used for the implementation of watershed management plans including the development of information/education programs and for the installation of best management practices. The application deadline is typically August 1.

  3. Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program (2016 Request for Proposals Deadline: February 3, 2016). This program of the National Fish and Wildlife Service will make approximately $2.1 million in combined total funding available to support projects such as stormwater management, addressing water scarcity; source water protection; wetlands, riparian, forest and water quality protection, and restoration projects in local communities, especially underserved communities, across the country. In 2016, the Urban Waters Federal Partnership will give special consideration to projects that directly advance priorities of designated locations. The geographic boundaries of the designated locations can be found in the RFP on the NFWF website.

  4. EPA is providing sustainable development/smart growth technical assistance through an EPA teams of experts who can visit selected communities and provide targeted advice through 1-2 day workshops. Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities Program

  5. Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Technical Assistance Grants are offered to communities, nonprofits and intergovernmental organizations to address local issues related to transportation, land use, housing, the natural environment, economic growth and community development. The application deadline is typically August 1.

  6. Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Grant ProgramDeadline: May 20, 2016 Washington, DC – The National Park Service (NPS) has announced the opening of the application process for the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership program (ORLP). The ORLP is a nationally competitive grant program funded through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). NPS will issue $15 million in grants to benefit disadvantaged urban communities. Congress created the ORLP program in 2014, to complement the existing LWCF State and Local Assistance Program. This new program seeks to identify and highlight new ways of promoting opportunities for expanding outdoor play in areas with great need, as well as promoting the development of new or enhanced partnerships for outdoor recreation in urban communities across the nation. NPS provided $2.9 million in LWCF-ORLP grants for pilot projects in 2015. Communities and partners matched that money with projects in eight cities worth a total investment of $6.1 million. For more information about ORLP and a list of previously funded projects, click here. To view the posting and pre-application materials, click here: ORLP Grant If you have questions about ORLP, LWCF, or want to find out more about City Parks Alliance’s advocacy initiatives, please contact Julie Waterman (

  7. Integrating Human Health and Well-Being with Ecosystem Services Grant Program Closing: April 21, 2016 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces the release of the Integrating Human Health and Well-Being with Ecosystem Services Request for Applications (RFA). This RFA goal is to fund community-based research that will foster better understanding of how human and well-being are interconnected with - and depend on - ecosystem services. Specifically, this research examines how communities can integrate ecosystem services with human health and well-being to inform their decision making and management practices. This RFA aims to develop information that allows communities to integrate environmental, societal and economic information and to better manage multiple stressors and their cumulative impacts on humans and ecosystems. The ultimate goal is to help communities achieve their own objectives while taking advantage of more relevant and accessible information about ecosystem services. The Integrating Human Health and Well-Being with Ecosystems Services RFA is part of EPA's Sustainable and Healthy Communities (SHC) Research program. The SHC Research Program provides useful science and tools for decision makers at all levels to help communities advance sustainability as well as achieve regulatory compliance. SHC is collaborating with partners to conduct research that will result in science-based knowledge to guide decisions that will better sustain a healthy society and environment in America's communities.
    Partnerships and community engagement are strongly encouraged for this research. For more information about the RFA, please contact Ron Josephson for eligibility questions or Anne Sergeant for technical questions.

  8. U.S. Department of Transportation provided $500 Million in Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Discretionary Grants. These funds are for capital projects related to highways, bridges, public transportation, rail, ports, and intermodal projects. A primary selection criterion specifically mentions addressing environmental sustainability including avoiding adverse environmental impacts to water quality, providing environmental benefits such as ground water recharging areas of water scarcity, and stormwater mitigation including green infrastructure. Applicants are encouraged to provide quantitative information, including baseline information that demonstrated how the project will reduce stormwater runoff. Eligible applicants are State, local and tribal governments, transit agencies, port authorities, metropolitan planning organizations and other political subdivisions of State and local governments, and multi-State or multi-jurisdictional groups applying through a lead applicant. For more information on annual allocations to this program, please contact and visit

  9. FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program Projects with an emphasis on making the urban forest more resilient can be submitted. For example, selecting trees for greater resiliency could be a possibility. The current grant cycle closes June 15, 2016. State Hazard mitigation contact link. You could partner with IDNR Urban and Community Forestry and/or a local non-profit organization.

  10. National Parks Service's Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance program can help local leaders create new parks or greenways, plan trails, conserve landscapes, build water trials, restore rivers, develop tourism plans, and more. Due June 30th.

Other Partners

  1. International Society of Arboriculture TREE Fund- Tree Research and Education Endowment Fund (TREE Fund) promotes research-based tree care for current and future generations. They offer research and education grants in several areas with individual application dates.

  2. Online applications open soon for the following grants and scholarships:

  3. Visit the TREE FUND website for information and additional opportunities.

  4. GetEdFunding link - A free grant-funding search engine for educators and institutions.

  5. Great Lakes Commission administers the Great Lakes Protection Fund. This fund's mission is to identify, demonstrate and promote regional action to enhance the health of the Great Lakes ecosystem. The Fund welcomes brief pre-proposals to test new regional actions to protect and restore the ecological health of the Great Lakes. Pre-proposals are due July 25, 2016. RFP PageFunding Guidelines

  6. AIA Sustainable Design Assessment Team The American Institute of Architects' Center for Communities by Design seeks applications for its 2017 Sustainable Design Assessment Team (SDAT) program. The SDAT program brings together multidisciplinary teams of professionals to work with community decision-makers and stakeholders through an intensive planning process. The mission of the SDAT program is to provide technical assistance to help communities develop a vision and framework for a sustainable future. Applications are due December 9, 2016.

  7. Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund The monarch butterfly is an iconic species that inspires people throughout North America, but its population numbers have declined over the last two decades. Monarchs have gained familiarity due to their beauty, accessibility (many people have encountered them), and worldwide attention for the migratory phenomenon they exhibit. The migration of monarch butterflies in North America to overwintering sites in Mexico is among nature’s most spectacular phenomena. Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund grants will be awarded to projects that significantly advance monarch butterfly conservation in the monarch butterfly range in North America (USA, Mexico, and Canada). Applications are encouraged throughout the species range; however a priority has been placed for project awards with activities that occur in the eastern population’s migratory flyway often called the “monarch butterfly corridor" Competitive Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund proposals should address one or more of the following strategies: 1) increasing habitat availability for monarchs (i.e., restoration, enhancement, land management, and creating habitat connectivity, ) with associated monitoring to assure conservation efforts are –effective and strategic; 2) enhancing coordination and capacity of monarch butterfly conservation efforts; and 3) improving the seed supply and affordability of regionally adapted milkweed (Asclepias spp.) and nectar-producing plants (prairie species). Within the expansive monarch distribution, physiographic and social conditions vary widely across the species’ range. For more information go to: Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund 2016 Request for Proposals

  8. The Nature Conservancy Grants for K-12 Applications due by October 31, 2016.
    They are awarding grants to support projects that implement green infrastructure to address local environmental challenges. These include access to healthy food, air quality, heat island effect, climate change, or storm water collection. Young people will work as social innovators to help their communities through project design and implementation. A $2,000 grant will be awarded to 55 schools."

  9. Whole Kids Foundation US Schools Garden Grant Applications due by October 31, 2016.
    Created in partnership with FoodCorps, the School Garden Grant program provides a $2,000 monetary grant to support an edible educational garden on the grounds of a K-12 school. Schools, or a non-profit organization working in partnership with a school, may apply. Eligibility below:

    • School garden must be an edible school garden (growing fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains, etc.) and located on the grounds of a K-12 school (public, private or charter, elementary, middle or high)

    • Applicant must be a nonprofit K-12 school (public, private or charter, elementary, middle or high) or a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization working in partnership with a K-12 school.

    • School must not have received a Whole Kids Foundation School Garden Grant previously.

  10. Environmental Sustainability National Science Foundation PD-16-7648 Science and Technology and other Research and Development

  11. National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) grant opportunity: urban parks and green infrastructure
    Great Urban Parks Campaign: Green Infrastructure in Underserved Communities . The online grant application is available at Deadline is April 29th! The NRPA has just opened the call for applications for our Great Urban Parks Campaign model project grants. We seek to fund replicable green stormwater infrastructure projects in parks located in underserved communities. The overall goal is to demonstrate the social and environmental impacts of green infrastructure approaches to stormwater management, such as access to recreation and opportunities to connect with nature. Grants will be awarded up to $575,000 and projects must be completed by fall 2017.

  12. Great Urban Parks Campaign Grant Details The purpose of this grant opportunity is to demonstrate the effectiveness of green infrastructure to positively affect environmental change in underserved low-income communities and communities of color, and thereby increase community engagement, connection to nature, and physical activity by community residents. The intention is to create replicable model projects that provide strategies and lessons learned for application by a wide range of communities. This RFA will fund green infrastructure projects in parks that achieve each of the following key objectives:

    1. Increased public access to recreational opportunities and access to nature via parks in underserved low-income communities and communities of color;

    2. Improved environmental quality and increased hazard mitigation by reducing flooding, improving the site's ability to hold and retain stormwater, improving water quality, improving wildlife habitat, and increasing biodiversity; and Improved environmental quality and increased hazard mitigation by reducing flooding, improving the site's ability to hold and retain stormwater, improving water quality, improving wildlife habitat, and increasing biodiversity; and

    3. A community engaged in improving environmental quality through green infrastructure solutions to stormwater management.

    It is anticipated that this RFA will fund grants between $350,000 and $575,000. The maximum grant amount that will be awarded to a single applicant is $575,000. Matching funds are not required. However, it is expected that this grant will supplement substantial secured funding necessary to complete the proposed project. The grant check will be distributed in full upon execution of a grant agreement. Limited technical advisory will be provided by the National Recreation and Park Association, the American Planning Association, and the Low Impact Development Center, Inc. Grantees will be required to plan and conduct ongoing evaluation to assess and demonstrate social and environmental outcomes. Applications are due by midnight (EDT) Friday, April 29, 2016. Applicants will be notified whether or not they were selected for a grant by June 30, 2016.

    Requirements: The principal applicant must be a park and recreation agency or affiliated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. If the applicant is not a park and recreation agency, the applicant is required to submit a letter of support for the project being proposed from the park and recreation agency director. The project must take place at a park site in a low income/underserved community. Significant progress towards the program outcomes must be demonstrated and reported by October 2017. All major construction must be completed by this date.

    Successful applicants will:

    1. Demonstrate supportive high level community-wide leadership, particularly from the mayor or similarly placed official(s), for the project. Letters of support from elected officials, partnering agencies and community organizations are encouraged.

    2. Exemplify collaboration between the park agency and planning agency, or equivalent, to implement the proposed green infrastructure project and support community planning goals.

    3. Exemplify collaboration between the park agency and planning agency, or equivalent, to implement the proposed green infrastructure project and support community planning goals.

    4. Explain how the project will advance social equity within the community.

    5. Demonstrate how this grant will enable them to maximize environmental outcomes while engaging the community in their green infrastructure project. Demonstrate how this grant will enable them to maximize environmental outcomes while engaging the community in their green infrastructure project.

    6. Demonstrate how their approach to green infrastructure takes into account current models and data forecasts of changing climate conditions, particularly in the siting of their project in areas prone to extreme weather events such as flooding.) Demonstrate how their approach to green infrastructure takes into account current models and data forecasts of changing climate conditions, particularly in the siting of their project in areas prone to extreme weather events such as flooding.

    7. Identify and describe the underserved low-income community that they will reach, including demographic statistics compared to the surrounding communities and region.

    8. Show how they will improve environmental quality, create public access, and engage the community. Show how they will improve environmental quality, create public access, and engage the community. Show how they will improve environmental quality, create public access, and engage the community. Show how they will improve environmental quality, create public access, and engage the community.

    9. Outline their plan to monitor and evaluate their work to achieve one or more of the three key objectives listed above and indicate the metrics they will use to track results. Outline their plan to monitor and evaluate their work to achieve one or more of the three key objectives listed above and indicate the metrics they will use to track results.

    10. Identify their maintenance plan to sustain the project after the grant period ends.

The online grant application is available at For additional assistance, contact Jimmy O'Connor at