Cache River - Cypress Creek
Protected Lands - Cache River State Natural Area, Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge, Grassy Slough Preserve, Cypress Pond State Natural Area, Heron Pond-Little Black Slough Natural Area
Priority Resources - Bottomland Hardwood forest, swamp forest, migratory waterfowl and shorebirds, Neotropical migratory songbirds
Conservation Philosophy - Restoration, preservation, and management of bottomland hardwood forests, swamp forests, and riparian aquatic habitat. Resource management will be guided by conditions that were present prior to human disturbance, and emphasis will be placed on restoration of ecological processes that will provide sustainability of all natural communities within the river continuum.
Wildlife Habitat Objectives - By 2020 increase land in public ownership within the project area to 60,000 acres; achieve partial reconnection of the Upper and Lower Segments of the Cache River by 2010; reduce peak flows in Big Creek by 25%
Key Actions - Land acquisition, partial reconnection of the Upper and Lower Segments of the Cache River, reforestation and wetland restoration
Partners - Illinois Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, The Nature Conservancy, Ducks Unlimited, U.S. Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service and local Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Implementation Resources - C2000, State Wildlife Grants, Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program, Wetland Reserve Program, Natural Areas Acquisition Fund
Research, Monitoring and Evaluation - Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Illinois Natural History Survey, Illinois State Water Survey, Little River Research, Inc.