The division trains and certifies State Mine Inspectors to monitor safety conditions at the mine sites, and operates a state laboratory for analysis of mine gas and dust particles, coal composition, and water and soil. The Division also trains licensed and certified blasters, as well as others who handle, store or use explosive products in Illinois.
Since 1910, the State has maintained mine rescue stations and mine rescue teams to respond to mine disasters or emergencies. Although much has changed over the years, the mine rescue teams are still comprised of coal miners who are trained to respond to different situations or problems which may arise at an underground coal mine.
The Division has four mine rescue stations throughout Illinois currently located in Benton, Lively Grove, Harrisburg, and Springfield and has rescue teams made up of industry personnel trained to aid mining situations and problems which may occur.
Questions regarding Mine Safety and Training certification should be directed, via email, to
Wendy Koehler or by phone, 217-558-4925.
Questions pertaining to Blasting & Explosives training should be directed to 217-782-9976.