Snowmobile Tax Information

FAQ Index


*Tax Requirement on Snowmobiles

Forms for snowmobile use tax are multi-part (carbon) forms and cannot be faxed or downloaded. Forms are generally obtained from dealerships or currency exchanges. If you need to obtain the form prior to registering your snowmobile, you can request copies to be mailed to you by calling the Illinois Department of Revenue's 24-hour Forms Order Hotline at 1-800-356-6302.

What is my tax obligation when I apply for title or registration in Illinois?

At the time you apply for an Illinois title or registration with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for a snowmobile you purchased or leased, you are required to submit either payment of tax or proof that no tax is due before your snowmobile can be titled or registered.

The Illinois Department of Revenue is responsible for administering the collection of tax and providing the necessary tax forms. You must make separate payments for tax due and title and/or registration fees. Make your tax payment payable to the Illinois Department of Revenue and your payment for title/registration fees payable to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

Note: Failing to title or register the item does not prevent the Department of Revenue from imposing the tax due on the purchase.

Which forms are used for paying Illinois tax on snowmobiles?

One of two forms must be used to pay tax or prove that no tax is due:

  • Form RUT-25, Use Tax Transaction Return, due no later than 30 days after the date the snowmobile is brought into Illinois or the date of purchase from an out-of-state dealer or retailer, lending institution, or leasing company selling at retail.
  • Form RUT ST-556, Sales Tax Transaction Return, due no later than 20 days after the date of delivery of the snowmobile if purchased from an Illinois dealer or leasing company.
  • Do NOT file a tax form if you purchased a snowmobile from an individual or private party.
Note: For More detailed information, refer to the instructions provided with each return.

How do I get tax forms?

You can obtain tax forms by

  • requesting them from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, where you are applying for registration.
  • calling our 24-hour Forms Order Line at 1-800-356-6302.
  • writing us at Illinois Dept. of Revenue, PO Box 19010, Springfield IL 62794-9010.

How do I get tax help?

You can get tax help by

  • calling our Taxpayer Assistance Division at 1-800-732- 8866 or 217-782-3336.
  • calling our TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf) at 1-800-544-5304.
  • visiting the Illinois Department of Revenue website at
  • writing to Illinois Department of Revenue, PO Box 19044, Springfield IL 62794-9044.