The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) working with a variety of partners, sponsors wingshooting clinics at sites geographically distributed throughout Illinois. The clinics are conducted on weekends during the spring through early fall of each year. Follow this link for a list of our Sponsors.
There are three basic types of clinics offered. Follow the links below for specific information about these clinics.
Introductory Wingshooting Clinics - designed to teach youth, adult women and adult men at the beginner or novice level, basic firearm and hunter safety, wingshooting fundamentals, as well as practical wingshooting.
Youth/Women Clinics - designed to teach youth and/or adult women participants basic firearm and hunter safety, wingshooting fundamentals, as well as practical wingshooting.
Hunters Clinics - designed to enhance the wingshooting skills of hunters and impart sound wingshooting practice techniques.
The first clinic was held in June 1999 at the Des Plaines Conservation Area in Will County near Joliet, IL. Thirty-eight wingshooting students were trained in the fundamentals of shotgun shooting. Clinic participants and sponsors were enthusiastic about the philosophy and format of the clinics. The success of that first pilot clinic provided the stimulus to expand the wingshooting clinics to other IDNR and several privately owned sites throughout the State.
The Will and Grundy County Chapters of Pheasants Forever (PF) co-sponsored the first clinic with the IDNR. The Will and Grundy County PF Chapters provided monetary assistance as well as the assistance of several members to man the manually operated clay target traps.
Contact Information
For further general information about wingshooting clinics, or for information about becoming a clinic sponsor, please contact Rich Lewis at (217) 622-5020, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Friday. For specific information about a scheduled wingshooting clinic or to register for a clinic, call the number on the schedule next to the clinic of interest.