When a business wants to work on behalf of a Medicaid provider, it must request and receive authorization from one of the provider's active administrators. Provider authorization is granted to the business, not to the individual that requested the authorization. This allows the administrator to be replaced without affecting the authorizations given to the business.
Note: A person registered in the Other Business category as a Payor Submitter cannot request authorization from a provider.
After provider authorization has been received, the business administrator(s) of the requesting business can delegate authorizations to the registered employees.
Warning: If an authorization request is revoked or placed in a pending state, the requesting business and its employees will no longer have authorization to work on behalf of the provider. This may occur at any time after the request is made, even if the request was accepted at some earlier date or time.
If you want to work on behalf of a provider(s), you may request authorization immediately after your successful registration, from as many providers as you need. The provider administrator does not need to be registered before you can request authorization.
Application access will be granted immediately after a provider administrator has accepted your request for authorization.
Note: For the IEC System only, there is a 24-hour waiting period after authorization is granted before transactions can be exchanged. This is required in order to update HFS's X12N translator software.
The MEDI System also provides some automated e-mail support for authorization activities. Review the E-Mail Notifications Overview for more information.