Manage My MEDI Account Page

This window allows you to view the businesses you are associated with and displays one record for each one of your registrations. The registrations are sorted by the date you registered, in ascending alphabetical order.

You have access to change your previously entered registration information from this page. You can also access Authorization functions from this page if you are an active administrator for at least one business.

Business Rules

You must be an active administrator for at least one business in order for the Authorization button to be displayed.

You must select a business before clicking either the Authorization or Display button.

The select radio button will not be displayed for any business for which your relationship is Inactive. Changes to inactive registrations are not permitted.

You must be an active administrator for a business in order to perform authorization functions. Performing authorization functions for a business for which you are an employee or for which you are not an active administrator is not permitted.

If you have removed your registration, it will not be displayed on this page. You can remove registrations on the Change Registration Information Page. For instructions on how to remove a registration, review the Terminate Your Business Relationship tutorial.

Review the Manage My MEDI Account Overview for more information.

Field Definitions and Validation Rules

Field Name
Validation Rules
Field Type


selects the business it is associated with

You must select a business before you click the either the Authorization or Display button

Radio Button

Business Name

the business' name


Display Only

HFS ID Number

the business' identification number with HFS


Display Only

Tax ID Number

the business' tax identification number


Display Only

Business Type

the business category of the business


Display Only

Employee Registration Key

the key employees use to register for this business


Display Only


your relationship with the business


Display Only


the status of your registration with the business


Display Only


the applications you are authorized to access for this business


Display Only