Registering the Same Employer Location More than Once

You are permitted to register the same employer more than once if

More than One Relationship with HFS

To register your employer as more than one MEDI business, select the type of registration you are interested in from the Registration Tutorials and complete the registration as described. You may register as many times as necessary to obtain the authorized access you need.

New Administrator

When a person tries to register a business that's already registered, the system must determine whether they are trying to register as a new administrator for the already-registered business, or to register as a new business. Each type of business registration has different rules that apply. Review the following topics for more information on each business registration type:

  1. Duplicate Provider Registration

  2. Duplicate Payee Registration

  3. Duplicate Other Government Payor Registration

  4. Duplicate Other Business Registration

Related Topics

Navigating the Registration Pages

Registration Tutorials