Duplicate Other Business Registration

If the tax ID number you are registering has already been registered, the system needs to determine whether you are trying to register as an administrator for a business already registered or whether you are adding a new business. The system will present a list of businesses registered under the tax ID number and ask you to select your choice.

New Administrator for an Existing Business

If you want to register as a new administrator for an existing business in the Other Business category,

    1. The system checks the number of active administrators for the business. If there are less than two, you will be added as a new administrator.

    2. If there are already two active administrators for the business, the system will prevent the registration.

Review the Add Another Administrator tutorial for more information on how to register.

New Location for an Employer

If you want to register as a new location, the system will add your registration as entered. Review the Adding A New Business Location tutorial for more information on registering a new business location.

Related Topics

Navigating the Registration Pages

Registration Tutorials