FAQS - Medical Electronic Data Interchange (MEDI) System

How do I register my providers, by medical group or individually?

How many providers can I represent?

Is registration a manual process if the business is out-of-state?

How does "Other Business" enrollment and delegation to our employees work?

When can we begin and who will be our enrollment contact for assistance at HFS?

I currently have business relationships or agreements with IL Medicaid providers, at numerous practices and institutions, and assist them in filing their transactions electronically. In order to perform this service to them through your MEDI System, will each provider and institution have to grant me this authority within your new MEDI/IEC Systems?



How do I register my providers, by medical group or individually?

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Providers must be registered individually. If you represent a medical group, clearinghouse or billing service with access to the Provider Information Sheet, the Group Registration for Provider Groups topic provides suggestions on how to register.


How many providers can I represent?

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You can represent as many providers as necessary. If you want to register as the provider administrator for each provider, you must have the appropriate Provider Information Sheet for each provider you want to register. You could also register as an employee of multiple providers. In this case, you would need the Employee Registration Key from the provider administrator(s) for each registered provider. For instructions, we have provided a list of Registration Tutorials to assist you through the registration process.

Is registration a manual process if the business is out-of-state?

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No, once you obtain your digital certificate, you can register online through the MEDI System. Registration is required before you will be able to access any applications. Review the Registration Overview for more information.

How does "Other Business" enrollment and delegation to our employees work?

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Other businesses (e.g. provider groups, billing services, clearinghouses, software vendors, etc.) may register in the MEDI System to work on behalf of a Medicaid provider. Then, the person (e.g. administrator) that registered the business can request authorization from the provider. Once authorization is received, it can be delegated to the registered employees. Read the Authorization Overview for more detailed information on both business authorization and delegation to employees.

When can we begin and who will be our enrollment contact for assistance at HFS?

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You can begin now by obtaining your digital certificate and registering in the MEDI System. There are Help numbers available to call if you need assistance.


I currently have business relationships or agreements with IL Medicaid providers, at numerous practices and institutions, and assist them in filing their transactions electronically. In order to perform this service to them through your MEDI System, will each provider and institution have to grant me this authority within your new IEC System?

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Yes. Each provider, by unique provider identification number, will have to authorize the specific MEDI transactions that your business will be allowed to access on their behalf. This process is required to affirm business relationships and prevent unauthorized access to MEDI. Review the Authorization Overview for more information about how to receive authorization.