Use the search field below to locate licensee records. Please note that the results are based upon a match found in ANY of the searchable fields, such as address, city, county, license number (enter all 10 positions, including the hyphen, as in the following example: 1a-0001234), Licensee name, and/or Business Name. To further filter results, you may use the refiners shown on the left-hand portion of the results screen. You may also use the “Advanced Search” option at the bottom of the screen to perform a search of a particular field or a combination of fields.
The results will display a summary of the information on the licensee(s) that match the search criteria. This summary displays information to quickly identify the licensee as well as the status of their license. To view the full details of the licensee record, you must click on the Business Name, which displays as a hyperlink.
If you get an error during your search, you will need to CLOSE the browser window and open a NEW window to re-access the “License Lookup” system.
For more information, CLICK HERE