Provider authorization is a type of delegated authorization. Review the Business Authorization Overview if you haven't already, for more information on the different types of authorization.
A provider administrator can grant authorization to another business to act on the provider's behalf, within a specific application. This type of business authorization is a two-step process. A provider administrator can authorize a business to work on behalf of the provider, but only after the authorization has been requested.
A provider administrator will grant or revoke authorization for requesting businesses at the application level. Granting or revoking business authorization can be done at any time after it has been requested, even after authorization has been granted.
Warning: If a provider administrator revokes authorization for a business that has application access and is doing work on behalf of the provider, that business will immediately be denied access to continue doing work on the provider's behalf.
Note: There is a special requirement for the Internet Electronic Claims (IEC) System to provide authorization for each transaction to which a provider has access. Review the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) topic for more information.
The MEDI System also provides some automated e-mail support for authorization activities. Review the E-Mail Notifications Overview for more information.
Navigating the Authorization Pages