Mason State Tree Nursery

Mason Nursery Lane

Mason State Tree Nursery
17855 N. County Rd 2400E
Topeka, IL 61567

Phone: (309) 535-2185

Follow us on Facebook!

Hours of Operation: M-F, 8am - 4pm

*Nursery Updates*

Please read our below updates if you are interested in ordering plant material

  • Ordering for Spring plant material begins on February 1st, 2023 at 8am. Please place an order on our website and choose a pick up/ship date to allow Nursery staff plenty of time to get your order ready.

  • Orders will be accepted until Friday, May 26, 2023.  Final date shipping and order pick up is Wednesday, May 31st.

  • White Pine Transplants and Potted wildflowers are for pick up only at Mason Nursery. 

  • You can access the list of seedlings below at the link that reads "Click Here to Order Plant Material." (Please note that species availability is subject to change at any time.)


    *Price changes effective Spring 2023*


    $30 per bundle of 25

    $65 per bundle of 100


    $15 per bundle of 25

    $45 per bundle of 100


 Click Here to Order Plant Material


Our Story

Mason State Tree Nursery is Illinois’ only state owned and operated tree nursery. We produce Native Illinois Eco-Type tree seedlings, prairie plants, and wildflower seed.

Mason State Tree Nursery is proud to be a Neonicotinoid-free Nursery.


Partners in Conservation:


Project Wingspan is a multi-year project by the Pollinator Partnership, who leads a coalition of partners in an effort to enhance land across the Midwest to support our imperiled pollinators. In collaboration with this effort, Mason State has partnered with Project Wingspan, cleaning the hand-collected seed from volunteers all over the state.

Want to get involved? Project Wingspan is looking for landowners within the agricultural community and volunteers who are committed to the conservation of the monarch, rusty patched bumble bee, and other Illinois pollinators to help with seed collection, habitat development and many more opportunities!