Furbearers Management

Trapping of Furbearers Policy Statement 
The Department recognizes that regulated trapping is a versatile, safe, effective and ecologically sound means of capturing individual animals without impairing the survival of furbearer populations or damaging the environment.
Trapping provides income, recreation and an outdoor lifestyle for many citizens through use of a renewable natural resource and provides an effective means of harvesting, managing and/or studying furbearers; controlling damage caused by furbearers; and at times, reduces the spread of harmful disease.
The Department also recognizes that trapping concerns some segments of the public that oppose trapping or use of specific trapping devices. The department supports regulated trapping and efforts to address societal concerns through appropriate education, research, enforcement and regulatory programs. Such programs shall be designed to increase awareness and acceptance of trapping by seeking to enhance animal welfare while maintaining management capabilities and other benefits associated with this activity.
  IDNR Furbearer Surveys and Reports ​
Fur Harvest Survey Reports, Spotlight Survey Reports, and Archery Deer Hunter Survey Reports
 Illinois Fur Harvest Survey
Illinois Spotlight Survey

2015 Spotlight Survey - Wildlife Diversity Program

2016 Spotlight Survey - Wildlife Diversity Program

2017 Spotlight Survey - Wildlife Diversity Program

2​​018 Spotlight Survey - Wildlife Diversity Program

2019 Spotlight Survey - Wildlife Diversity Program

Illinois Archery Deer Hunter Survey

2014 Archery Deer Hunter Survey

2015 Archery Deer Hunter Survey

2016 Archery Deer Hunter Survey

2017 Archery Deer Hunter Survey

2018 Archery Deer Hunter Survey 

2019 Archery Deer Hunter Survey

​         Find permit, season, applications, and other related informatio​n to furbearer hunting.         
       Learn more about Illinois regulations governing hunting and trapping.
       Trapper Education course is required for first-time trappers born on or before January 1, 1998 * except Youth Trapping License (no Trapper Education required) may be purchased for residents or non-residents 18 years of age and younger as long as they are supervised by a parent, grandparent or guardian who is age 21 or over, while trapping.

 Humane Trapping

 Trapping Topics

 Furbearers Guide

Click on Picture to get to the Guide
