What does the Wildlife Diversity Program
do for species recovery?
Recover and Monitor Species in Greatest Need of Conservation by:
1.) Implementing recovery strategies for select birds and mammals recognized as
Species in Greatest Need of Conservation by Illinois’ Wildlife Action Plan
2.) Monitoring the status of select birds and mammals recognized as
Species in Greatest Need of Conservation by Illinois’ Wildlife Action Plan.
Some recent species recovery projects the
Wildlife Diversity Program is working on or has worked on:
Barn Owl Recovery
Construct, deploy and monitor nesting structures for barn owls.

Illinois Chorus Frog
Determine abundance, distribution, trends and
conservation actions for Illinois Chorus Frogs
Smooth softshell turtle
Determine abundance and distribution of this endangered turtle
Construct, deploy and monitor nesting structures and
also establish breeding pairs of osprey in Central Illinois.
Eastern Woodrat
Monitor eastern woodrats in southern Illinois
Mississippi Kite
Determine abundance, distribution and trends for Mississippi Kites in Illinois.
To learn more, click here.
Check back for updates on these and other projects. (01/07/19)